Water feature maintenance is scary … or is it?
Back in November, we wrote about why waterfalls are going to be 2022’s hottest landscaping trend, and we stand by that prediction! But, something that might stop a lot of people from getting with the trend and actually investing in their own waterfall or other water feature for their backyard space this year is… maintenance (gasp!).
Here are a few essential things you’ll need to do to keep your water feature clean, healthy, and beautiful this year…
How to take care of your water bubbler or fountain
Bubblers can be some of the lowest maintenance options if you’re considering a water feature for your backyard. They can bring the sound and beauty of water to your home and are easy to customize to your space and preferences.
With the cold season almost gone, adding fresh water to your bubbler is the first step for getting it up and running when Spring rolls around. You should also make sure your pump is in working order and give it a good clean before running it again. Throughout the Spring and Summer months, make sure you clean out any debris that ends up in the pump or around the rocks and stone, as well. You can also prevent this by draining and refilling your bubbler with fresh water every month or two. Easy peasy!
The other important thing to do to keep your water bubbler looking pretty all Summer long is to clean the stone or rocks. You can probably get away with doing this once before you turn the bubbler back on in the Spring and not have to touch it again until the mid-to-late Summer, depending on how much algae buildup you see and if you keep the pump cleaned out from any debris. Be sure to check your manual or ask your friendly neighborhood landscapers (like us!) for the best cleaning solutions for your specific stone.
How to take care of your waterfall
We think waterfalls are by far the coolest water feature you can put in a backyard – hence why we predicted they will be the most in-demand trend of 2022. They do require a bit more maintenance than a bubbler, but nothing you can’t handle with a consistent schedule and a bit of TLC!
Outside of an old filter or a poorly cared for pump, one of the biggest issues we come across with waterfalls is a buildup of algae or other debris. The simplest solution to avoid this issue? Just keep an eye on it and give it a good clean when it starts looking a little rough! You can also fill your waterfall with distilled water when you first turn it on for Spring or add some plants at the bottom to naturally clean the water that flows through the fall.
How to take care of your pond
Last, but certainly not least: ponds. While it may seem like an impossible task, taking care of a pond can be fairly simple and painless if you stay on top of it throughout the Spring and Summer.
Before filling up your pond with fresh water for the warmer months, you should drain any standing water and give the basin of your pond a good rinse (or take a power washer to it, if it’s looking a little rough after the Fall and Winter). At this point, it’s probably a good idea to clean or replace any filters or pumps you may have in the pond, as well. Make sure you put any fish you may have living in your pond in a bucket or tub with water while you do any major cleaning, too!
After the initial deep clean, you can grab your trusty pool skimmer to skim out any leaves or other debris that makes it into your pond throughout the season. Also make sure to keep an eye on the water level and check any filters or pumps periodically to make sure they are staying clean, too.
If you’re dreaming of a beautiful pond but still not convinced that the maintenance isn’t as bad as it seems, Greenhaven Landscapes offers a pond maintenance service! We get that you may not have the time or energy to give your pond the care it deserves, so let us do the heavy lifting for you!
Deciding to install any kind of water feature in your yard can be a big step with lots of pros and cons to weigh. But, hopefully, after reading this blog, maintenance is not a con on your list anymore!
Ready to welcome Spring and Summer with a backyard water feature of your own? We can’t wait to help! Contact us to get started on building the backyard oasis of your dreams.